Iowa Advisory Council on Automated Transportation

Policy & Legislation Subcommittee

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Automated Transportation Planning Considerations

This document was prepared as a guide to help the planning community in Iowa prepare for the integration of Cooperative Automated Transportation (CAT) in Iowa. It is intended to give those in the planning community – including planners in the public sector, private consultants, planning commissioners, and other citizen planners – a resource to take a proactive approach to addressing the potential impacts CAT may have on our communities. This document was developed and supported by the CAT in Planning Working Group of the Iowa Advisory Council on Automated Transportation (ATC) Policy and Legislation & Subcommittee.

2023 - Meeting materials

February 8, 2023

Meeting materials


2022 - Meeting materials

January 19, 2022

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May 17, 2022

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2021 - Meeting materials

January 19, 2021

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June 2, 2021

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2020 - Meeting materials

August 13, 2020

Meeting materials

February 5, 2020

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2019 - Meeting materials

November 12, 2019

Meeting materials

July 30, 2019

Meeting materials

May 21, 2019

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2018 - Meeting materials

November 20, 2018

Meeting materials

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