Iowa Advisory Council on Automated Transportation

Automated Transportation Subcommittees

The four ATC subcommittees are overseen by and report to the Council in order to provide in-depth resources and insights on topics related the implementation of automated transportation and technologies. Their membership is comprised of leaders from a variety of organizations across the state, bringing different backgrounds and expertise to the discussions.

For more information and meetings materials, click on the name of each subcommittee below.


Subcommittee chair: Erin Mullenix, Iowa League of Cities

Spans the various dimensions of physical, digital, energy, security, institutional, workforce, and supporting topics.


Subcommittee chair: Dylan Mullenix, Des Moines Area MPO

Addresses legal and liability issues, insurance, administrative rules, finance, privacy, and related issues.


Subcommittee chair: Rick Peterson, Iowa Economic Development Authority

Supports the Iowa economy and businesses, addressing barriers, and striving to maximize the value and benefit from automated transportation.


Subcommittee chair: Nathan Fulk, Iowa State Patrol

Ensures the thoughtful and safe proliferation of automation, developing procedures for law enforcement and first responders.

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